We take you through the stages of orthodontic treatment, the processes involved, time frames, and the importance of maintenance.
Straight Talk: The Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment for Your Oral Health
A look at the advantages of orthodontic treatments and how they can positively improve overall oral health.
The Benefits of Straight Teeth: More Than Just a Smile
Having straight teeth isn’t just about having a beautiful smile. Straight teeth can also improve your oral health and even have an impact on your overall physical health.
How to Keep Your Braces Clean and Your Teeth Healthy
There are certain things you should do to maintain good oral hygiene and keep your braces in good condition. We take a look.
What Is the Most Common Problem My Orthodontist Can Help Fix?
Orthodontists specialize in aligning teeth and jaws but have a unique set of skills that can help treat many different dental issues as well.
Retainers, Expanders and Braces. Where Do I Start?
There are a number of devices to help your kids feel confident with their teeth: Metal and clear braces, retainers and expanders.
Clear Braces Vs. Clear Aligners: What Is the Difference?
To correct your smile or improve the look of crooked teeth, orthodontists often suggest clear braces or aligners. What is the difference?
What Does an Orthodontist and Orthodontic Treatment Fix?
What can an orthodontist do for you? Orthodontists have a wide range of specializations that make them perfect to help with alignment or bite problems.
Need an Orthodontist? What To Look for When Choosing an Orthodontist
If you are beginning to explore dental professionals for braces or some other orthodontic treatment, it’s essential to do your research before making a decision.